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Stock Availability Is a Key to Last Mile Performance

Stock Availability Is a Key to Last Mile Performance

The process of managing stock availability is very important at the moment, which should help in enhancing the satisfaction of customers and shoppers in online stores. Especially since if a shopper finds that an item he wants to buy from a particular store is not...

5 Ways to Reduce Inventory Levels

5 Ways to Reduce Inventory Levels

Inventory is a necessity for businesses - too much, and you're tying up valuable resources that could be used elsewhere; too little, and you risk running out of stock and losing sales. Fortunately, you can do several things to help reduce your inventory levels without...

Vendor Managed Inventory : The Complete Guide

Vendor Managed Inventory : The Complete Guide

One of the best and most cost-effective methods of managing the supply process is vendor managed inventory, as this system offers a lot of great advantages. Many companies have succeeded with the use of this system, especially in light of this competitive system with...



If you own an e-commerce business, order fulfillment is an essential part of your day-to-day operations and this means that you will need to deal with 3pl distribution. Especially as your company grows you will discover that fulfilling customer orders in-house is no...

What are Dark Stores & How do they work? 

What are Dark Stores & How do they work? 

The concept of dark stores is not new, as some chains of shops in the United Kingdom have been operating in it since 2013. But the concept of dark stores in the Arabian Gulf was only recently realized, especially in light of the atmosphere of social separation and the...

Multichannel eCommerce the 14 Key Trends in 2022

Multichannel eCommerce the 14 Key Trends in 2022

The importance of multichannel ecommerce has emerged greatly in the recent period, due to its great role in providing a better experience for shoppers, and allowing them to access your products more widely. Multichannel ecommerce has also contributed to giving...