All digital sales channels play a pivotal role in supporting businesses and integrate with each other in order to reach you with the best results. Therefore, choosing the appropriate channels will help you in boosting sales and profits and thus obtaining the return on investment that you aspire to, which will help you in boosting your e-commerce sales. In this article, we will show you what digital sales channels are, as well as the most important channels that help you in promoting online marketing.

What is a digital sales channel?

What is meant by digital sales channels are the methods used in e-marketing to market your products or services.

It is particularly useful for business owners, especially online stores, through which the services or products you provide are promoted electronically.

Through digital sales channels, customers will be able to access and purchase their products online.

5 strategic digital sales channels

digital sales channels

There are many digital sales channels that individuals can use and benefit from in promoting their e-commerce sales.

As well as reaching a larger segment of customers locally and globally, and below we will show you 5 strategic digital sales channels that you can use:

Social Media Marketing

One of the most important and newest digital sales channels is social media, which plays an essential role in digital marketing today.

Therefore, many famous companies and brands rely on it mainly to communicate with the public and enhance their brand image.

These digital channels also help them increase the traffic on their website, thus multiplying sales and customers.

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Mobile marketing

Mobile devices have become a major part of all of our lives; Making mobile marketing a key and important factor when selecting and welcoming customers for brands.

More than 80% of shoppers use their smartphones to find a product, as well as know the information and details of that product.

Thus, mobile marketing is considered one of the most important digital sales channels that you can rely on in your e-commerce.

Online marketplaces

Among the influential and important digital sales channels are online marketplaces, on which a large percentage of shoppers have come to rely.

Through which merchants can create an online store and display their products, then start selling and communicating with customers via the online store.

There are many platforms that allow you to easily create an online store, and start displaying and marketing your products through it.


E-commerce in general is one of the most prominent marketing channels on the Internet. So if you own a specific industry, you can start trading in it via the Internet, thus:

    • Expanding your customer segment.

    • Reaching a larger percentage of customers.

And you can do this through more than one method, such as selling through an online store or through social networking sites.

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Pay Per Click (PPC) Ads

One of the newer digital sales channels that many people rely on is Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising.

Through which the audience is targeted through paid advertisements on the Internet, as soon as customers search for anything related to the product or service that you provide.

This channel helps in increasing conversion rates tremendously, helping individuals achieve up to 150% conversion rate compared to organic search results.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

It is the way you can target your audience through organic search results, in which you focus on writing content that is compatible with what customers are looking for.

It is similar to pay-per-click advertising, except that it takes more effort and is completely free.

Through which it will target the audience by providing relevant information about what they are looking for.

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What contributing factors impact your choice of digital sales channels?

digital sales channels

The buyer’s journey has changed dramatically over the past years, especially after the recent Corona crisis, as most customers are searching for different products online.

Which makes retailers consider starting to use digital sales channels mainly to enhance their sales and keep pace with the current era and its requirements.

But there are a set of key factors that you need to take into account before choosing a digital sales channel to deal with. where:

    • Type and nature of the industry in which you operate.

    • Size and nature of the target audience.

    • Purpose of your digital marketing campaign.

    • Budget you have.

Despite the multiplicity of these channels, each channel works differently, and each of them gives different results than the others.

Therefore, what works for a brand and becomes ideal for its target audience may not come with the same result with other brands. So you need to choose the appropriate channel for you and your activity carefully.

Common mistakes when choosing digital tools

As we mentioned, there are many digital tools that can be used to boost sales and digital marketing, but each channel works differently.

Therefore, the results achieved from each digital tool used differ, and this means that the selection of digital tools must be accurate and in accordance with the nature of your activity itself.

What works for one brand and is ideal for its target audience may not work for other brands. The following are the most common mistakes that people make when using digital tools:

    • Using any digital tool without a specific study of its activity and purpose.

    • Not targeting the audience properly.

    • Choose tools with quick results, despite their inappropriateness to the nature of the project.

    • Using more than one digital tool at the same time with different goals.

    • Choosing a digital tool because it was impactful with a different activity than your own.

 So you need to choose the right channel for you and your activity carefully, and avoid these common mistakes when choosing the right digital marketing channel for you.